The family bed
This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for the family bed.
We’ve all slept in the same bed since B was about five months old. As a newborn he slept in a high-tech bassinet (fondly referred to as the robot bed), and after he outgrew that we tried putting him in a crib, but it just didn’t work for us. So I read Safe Infant Sleep, we moved our mattress to the floor, and we’ve been sharing a bed ever since.
I get that bedsharing is not for everyone. (Some nights, I’m not even sure it’s for me, ha.) Still, once my spouse and my son are both sleeping and I’m reading on my phone to a soundtrack of their steady breaths, I couldn’t be more grateful for the family bed.
Our lives are so often separate: My spouse and I mostly work in different spaces, and now that B is in preschool he spends a lot of his time away from us. So it’s especially nice to share nights. And especially after a tough day, it’s such a gentle reprieve, the chance to be at peace all together.
I’m sure someday my kid will sleep in his own bed, in his own room. But I don’t need for that to be anytime soon.
Love > fear,
p.s. Yesterday I found out an old NYC roommate of mine could use some support. Lindsey is genuinely one of the best humans I’ve ever known, and I hate that she has to be away from her own family bed. If you’re able to send prayers or other support her way, please do.